Monday, March 5, 2007

Electronic Grey Cells........?? Possible !!

Till about five decades back, intelligence was something that was associated only with human beings and animals, but then in the year 1955 John McCarthy, changed it all, when he stunned the world with a term only he could think of - "Artificial Intellingence" . Since then this field of science has always fascinated numerous scholars, researchers and scientists all over the world.

So what exactly is Arificial Intelligence ?
According to John McCarthy "It is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs " It is related to the similar task of using computers to understand human intelligence, and the intelligence is the ability of the machine to achieve the goals that it was programmed to achieve. The AI is a technology which is aimed at simulating human behaviour.

But then the problem with these machines is that they are good at achieving only those goals for which humans have already deviced a pattern, or those functions which the humans already know how to perform, their intelligence is limited to what their progammers have written in the programm for them, they hence can not perform any functions beyond those defined for it.

But then, these machines have the speed and the memory, hence its easy for them to predict the probability of a solution under the set conditions, they have the potential to interpret statistics, to formulate rules and to perform huge calculations in a matter of microseconds, which no human can ever perform.

The ultimate goal of AI is to achieve human-level intelligence, but then this matter is further complicated by the fact that science still, has not succeeded in determining exactly what the human abilities are.

There are also few people who think AI is a bad idea. The philosopher Hubert Dreyfus says that AI is impossible. The philosopher John Searle says that the idea of a non-biological machine being intelligent is incoherent. The computer scientist Joseph Weizenbaum says the idea is obscene, anti-human and immoral.

But no matter, what people say, I am sure, AI is a very good idea and making these intelligent machines is very much possible no matter the kind of difficulties that are being faced now, in the near future AI will only be as common as a cell phone, after all we humans are born intelligent.

**The image shown in the post is that of John McCarthy.


Unknown said...

Its really good article worth reading .

Vinay Kannan said...

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