Saturday, March 3, 2007

Ma VisualDNA

What makes u entirely different from someone else.....?
Nope, its not your face, remember the thing called "Plastic Surgery", some nerdo can very easily hack ur identity as well, then what is it that makes u different from anyone else....
Yeah right, it's your DNA...
N just how would ur DNA sample appear on the net, well, theres something called a VisualDNA, so why not get ur own VisualDNA, its fun, it good and gives u an insight of who u actually are...
Heres my VisualDNA......


Mitzy said...

dats a wonderfull post there. Keep up the good work. Best Wishes!


Vinay Kannan said...

thank u mitul, will try to come up good posts in the future as well....

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